How to Add Nominee in Dhan Account Online?

How to add nominee in Dhan account?: Nomination is a crucial aspect of managing your trading and Demat account. It ensures that your investments and assets are safeguarded and can be transferred to your chosen beneficiaries in your absence.

Adding nominees to your Dhan trading and Demat account is a simple and essential process that can provide you and your loved ones peace of mind.

This guide will walk you through adding nominees, address common questions, and clarify the details.

How to Add Nominee in Dhan Trading Account: The Process

To add nominees to your Dhan trading and Demat account, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Dhan app and navigate the “Profile & Account Details” section.
  2. Scroll down to find the “Add Nomination” option below your Account Details.
  3. Click “Add Nomination” and enter the required nominee details.
  4. Fill in the nominee’s Full Name, Relationship, Date of Birth, Email Address, Identify Proof Type, Identify Proof Number, and Nominee Address.
  5. If your nominee is a minor, you will be prompted to provide guardian details, including email and phone number.
  6. Review the entered information and ensure its accuracy.
  7. Complete the eSign process by entering your Aadhaar number, and the OTP sent to your registered mobile number.
  8. Once the process is completed, you will receive an eSigned Nomination Form at your registered email address.

Also Read: How to Add a Nominee to Your Zerodha Account?

Commonly Asked Questions: Adding Nominees to the Dhan Trading and Demat Account

How can I add nominees to my Dhan trading and Demat account if I can’t find the option as described?

Ensure you are using the latest version of the Dhan app.

Add Nominees to Dhan Trading and Demat Account Step 1

To add a nominee, click on your Display Name on the Home Page, then go to “Profile & Account Details” under Manage Account.

Add Nominees to Dhan Trading and Demat Account Step 2

Scroll down to get the “Add Nominee” option.

Add Nominees to Dhan Trading and Demat Account Step 3

Is the nomination facility on the Dhan account free of cost?

The nomination facility in Dhan is entirely free for the first time.

How many nominees can I add to my Dhan trading account?

As per SEBI regulations, you can add up to 3 nominees to your Dhan trading account. And you will able to choose the distribution of allocation. The sum of the allocation distribution among nominees should add up to 100%.

What details must I add for the Dhan trading and Demat account nominee?

You must provide the nominee’s Full Name, Relationship, Date of Birth, Email Address, Identify Proof Type, Identify Proof Number, and Nominee Address.

Can I add a minor as a nominee to my Dhan account?

Yes, you can add a minor as a nominee. Provide guardian details if the nominee is a minor, including their email and phone number.

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Do I need to provide documents for the nominee?

No, documents for the nominee are not required. Nomination is based on the details entered by the account holder.

How can I modify nominee details in my Dhan trading and Demat account?

Visit “Profile & Account Details” and click “Update Account Nominations” to modify nominee details. Complete the eSign process for the changes to take effect.

How can I confirm my nomination is registered?

After completing the eSign process, an eSigned Nomination Form will be sent to your registered email. This email confirms your nomination is registered.

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Is modification of nomination chargeable?

Yes, modification of nomination incurs a charge of INR 25 (excluding GST) per modification.

My address starts with a number, but the address field is not accepting my address. What should I do?

Add a generic phrase to your address, such as “Flat No:” or “House No.,” to satisfy formatting requirements.

CDSL has specific requirements in which the format of the address has to be presented, and the address needs to start with an alphabet.

We request to add a generic phrase to address this. For example, if your actual address starts with:

A flat or house number, instead of writing “5/A/2”, please mention “Flat No: 5/A/2” or “House No: 5/A/2”

A floor, instead of writing “5th Floor”, please say “Floor No. 5”

Also Read: How to Close Dhan Trading and Demat Account Permanently?


Adding nominees to your Dhan trading and Demat account is a straightforward process that provides an extra layer of security and ensures your investments are passed on according to your wishes. Remember these steps and FAQs to smoothly manage your nominee details and achieve peace of mind in your financial planning.

Debasis is an experienced Stock Market Investor and IPO Analyst. Expertise in Financial Blogging, Empowering Investors with Informed Decisions